The Maul is a powerful weapon that can be used to smash through armor with ease.
Two-handed melee weapons Chasind Great Maul
Critical chance is what you get on top of the melee critical chance. The speed modifier focuses on the speed of the swing.
A penetration rating of 10 will ignore the same rating on enemy armor.
Armor penetration determines the strength of the weapon against armor. You get 85% and 125% range with a dagger and maul, respectively. The attribute modifier determines how much of the stat goes into the damage. Best materials to go for include iron, Steel, Dragonborn, and Silverite. Your weapon should be able to do maximum damage with the hit. You want to focus on damage as your primary stat. The latter gives you low damage, but with high dexterity. One-handed options include daggers, war axes, longswords, and maces. Some of the two-handed options available include battle access, Greatswords, and mauls. You want to give the maximum strength attack of the enemy. Your main target with melee weapons is rogue builds and warriors. Melee weapons are some of the best weapon choices. More: Best Morrigan Build in Dragon Age Origins Melee Weapons Let’s check out some of the best weapons you have available. Some of them come with requirements on the stats, as we will show you below. For the latter, ensure you build upon the duel wielding capabilities. Your characters also have the option of more than one weapon at a time. You also get bonus points on your choice of weapons. It allows them to inflict maximum damage on their enemies. Your characters have a wide array of some of the best weapons. Our guide below will give you some excellent options, which you can consider. With so many options, it can be challenging to know which the best is. You equip your character with the right accessories to fight off enemies. The best way to achieve success in Dragon Age Origins is to have the best weapons.